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This week we are working on the first part of the time capsule project. We have to pick several objects, come up with meaningful stories around these objects and try creating a narrative using a popular social media platform or any app that fits your needs. 

When I started this project, I looked around my room and asked myself, 

  • What’s meaningful to me? 

  • What’s the must-have in my everyday life?

  • Which item can tell stories? 

  • What can I put into my time capsule?

After reviewing my walk around my room, I found these items: My earphones, mask, my phone, all ID from my previous school, and a handkerchief. I was going to choose my computer, my blanket, or my old shoes in the first round. They were with me through time, but considering the size of my time capsule, I decided to choose smaller items. The item I chose are either meaningful to me or given to somebody which important to me. I won’t be who I am without them. 

The medium I chose is the Instagram story, it’s one of the most famous social platforms which I use to record everything that happens around me. It has abilities to manage the position of each element, just like a mini photoshop. It gives a relaxing feeling, and that's why I decided to use it to speak my story. Most importantly, it won't take your screen unless you click it, and it disappears after 24 hours. 



Item 1: A mask from Jan 2020. 

This is the mask I wear on a flight in Jan 2020, which was the first explosion of Covid. By that time, no one knows this virus, and everyone was worried about the consequences of the virus. On the flight, everyone chooses to wear a mask for the whole trip. And by that time, no one would imagine that the pandemic lasts for 2 years.  

Besides the mask, I also added a couple of emojis to the story. I usually speak less, and sometimes I prefer to use emojis to speak for me. It's kind of a symbol of me. And also, added a location of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, which is the Airport I flew my last international flight. 



Item 2: My cellphone

Now we are entering the digital world. Many things can be done through our phones. We don't have to carry a heavy bag with different stuff when we go out. Our phone is enough to handle most situations.  

This is my phone; but not only a phone. It’s also my camera & photo album; a connector through the Pacific Ocean between me and my family; my journal because I keep all my text & photos. It records my life from age 16, which is the first year I began to study in States.

Besides photos of my phone and some emojis, I also displayed my family photos taken between 2001, and 2009. I stored most of my pictures locally on my phone. Because of the pandemic, I haven't seen my family for a while. Having my phone, I feel like they're always around me. 


Item 3: My earphones

These are my earphones. I like to listen to music, or books every day when I’m on transportation, working on projects, or walking. Throughout the days, the music and books I listen to change. The only thing that never changes is my earphones. Both of the earphones have noise cancellation. I like what these create - a quiet space to let me quiet down and think in this everyday life. The Bose one specifically follows me since 2014. It sees all my international flights across the Pacific Ocean and the growth between each time.

I also added some emojis here to emphasize the scene that I use my earphones.  


Item 4: School IDs

These are IDs from schools I’ve attended in the US. At the age of 16, I moved to the US alone for high school. When I first came to the States, it was fun because I finally 'get away' from my parents. After the fresh feeling passed, I was struggling with all those issues in daily life which got covered by my parents, and most importantly the culture shock, especially in school. However, as time passed, I got through those. 

Photos of these ID record my physical growth of me, and the different levels of education emphasize my inside growth of mine. They've emphasized me from dependent to independent. 


Item 5: handkerchief 

This is a handkerchief I got from my previous job. It was back in the pandemic and I just graduated. The industry is very different than I thought and I interned before, it’s tons of pressure and I have to learn new things. Especially during the fashion week period, I have to keep myself calm in a lot of to-dos and make sure I manage them well without messing them up. 

However, I got through it and I learned a lot from this experience. This handkerchief sees my growth of me in the past year and symbolizes the hard work I put in. From the job, I gain valuable experience in management, coordination, and proper time management. That’s why I decide to choose it. 

I like that this opportunity ‘makes’ me look around my room and see these changes. And also helped me memorize some old things and how I grow up through the years. Just as the reading this week says, it’s fun to pay attention to changes in things around you. Small changes may wobble everyday life. I haven’t looked around for a while, but when I walked into my room, I do feel what it means. For my Bose earphone, which I haven’t touched for a while because I haven’t flown internationally for a while. By this chance, I get to look at it and notice the flaws it has. As for the N95 mask I barely use it now. It’s thick but protects you well. It makes me think of 2 years ago when we don’t know the virus well. Those fear feelings and those willing to protect others. But now, everything has changed. Maybe I will start the flight international again with my dear Earphone. 

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