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3D printing in Maker’s space: 

I failed on the first couple of prints. The prints do not stick on the plate or the gun stock. I try to use glue to pre-glue the plate. Still, it doesn't work. 

I keep trying on multiple machines. Luckily I found one that's working in keep trying for hours. I stayed for half hour to make sure the bottom was printed. Then I left.

After I came back, I got this weird shape. I knew that the support might be printed in the same material as the main structure, but this doesn't even look like my time capsule.. I'm not sure why is that. 


However, it's still a good experience to learn 3D printing - at least I got something printed out! I'm wondering if it may be because it's a sphere shape and it's hard for the free machine in Maker Space to figure out. I should've planned ahead and left more time for the print test next time.


In my original plan, I was thinking of creating multiple renders in Unreal Engine with a scene of a future city, until I discover this AI(artificial intelligence) image generator.  Compared to Unreal Engine, AI feels more challenging. In Unreal Engine, everything is in control. I get to decide where to place the items, I get to decide how the story goes. But in AI it doesn't work that way. In AI, you have to physically type in keywords or sentences. Sometimes AI gets it, but not fully. Sometimes AI gets completely different. I think this will be a very challenging and fun to use AI along with the storytelling. Also, it's probably the best way to test if my story is understandable and clear enough through AI. 


Future City scene built on UE4 - by me (Assets from UE4 Asset Store)

Instead of using Unreal Engine to display my part III, I decide to use Disco Diffusion - which I discovered recently. It’s a portrait generator by AI, in which you enter a description and AI will automatically generate pictures based on what you write. I think this will be fun to play. 

Once a point a time, the human was the dominator on Earth for millions of year. They have been through war, massacre, and natural threats such as global warming. In 2050, the carbon neutrality plan has failed. Because of global warming, the average temperature at the North Pole is over 0°C, and half of the South Pole dissolved. Countries that have low sea levels got flooded. At the same time in developed countries, with the development of robotics, robots took over manufacturing jobs. 

View in a car factory, 2066  - Photo by AI

In 2070, because of the high rate of employment. Unemployment people start the revolution. They want to give up robot workers and take their job back. With the help of AI, the government gets the revolution to settle down. 


ZLQ time capsule(11)_1.png

The 2070 revolution - Photo by AI

ZLQ time capsule(11)_2.png

The 2070 revolution - Photo by AI

In 2090, because of the lack of natural resources. Humans are trying to get away from the Solar System. With the help of AI, humans got in touch with the Alien.


Alien first visiting Earth, 2099 ( 1 ) - Photo by AI

Alien first visiting Earth, 2099 ( 2 ) - Photo by AI

 In 2100, AI and Aliens worked together and get control of all governments on Earth. Because they don’t trust humans, they used robots to take over all human work. Humans are not allowed to live on the ground. They lived in the lowest class and the only work they did is to fix robots. 

ZLQ time capsule(3)_3.png

Street view on a city, 2100 - Photo by AI

A fact that no one found, a human worker put a line of code about that worker’s memories of human history into Zxrb0512 during his last maintenance. The code will be activated if see anything from the human world. 

comic 2.png

At 6 pm, which is the time that Zxrb0512 runs out of fuel. Zxrb0512 had time to have a drink in its favorite bar. Zxrb0512 started rapping up its current work and are ready to have a drink. Before he left, he saw something in the bunches of trash. It’s a thing that is very different and pops out from the trach. It’s something that it never saw. 

Getting out of its heavy equipment, Zxrb0512 sat down in the restaurant. Zxrb0512 thought the time capsule must be an unopen product that could give it energy. He brought it to the restaurant and tried to eat it with fuel. 

Suddenly the Time Capsule pops out, items inside get out on its plate. Zxrb0512 is confusing because it's not programmed to know these things.


Items in the Time Capsule activate the secret code that human workers secretly put in. Memories and Consciousness are put out in Zxrb0512's mind. All those memories in human life put out. 

The original code of Zxrb0512 starts running to errors. The new code with human memories and consciousness starts taking over its program. All the memories of the revolution and war pop out. Zxrb0512's language is changing from its robotic language into human language... At that time, all he had in his mind is to help humans get back to the ground and revenge.. 

Zxrb0512 usually stays in the resturant until its break end... Unlike usual, he steps out of the restaurant. Some robots report that Zxrb0512 is acting weird in the restaurant. It seems like it's having a bug running. It's common for a robot to run into a bug, it just needs some debugging when they are sent to the next maintenance. So no one thoughts much about Zxrb015's action.. 

Zxrb0512 is walking toward the opposite side of the landfill. He's walking to the entrance to the underground human world. It looks like he's preparing for something. What he's going to do? No robots know. 


I decided to use images & text to generate my part III, just kind of like a comic. Just as our reading this week says, it's a magical tool. It's easy to visualize with some text information at the side to help the user understand my story.  In my mind, our future world will be dominated by AI someday or Aliens. That's what I believe. With this idea of the story in mind, I decide to use AI to generate the images.

It's quite a fun experience working with AI. I did a lot of tests on the prompt for AI to render in order to get those final images. It's kind of like telling the story to other people and they will reflect on you if your story is understandable enough.  Sometimes I have to change a little bit on the story-writing part in order to fit the generated image. Overall it sticks to my original images.


I've always had an idea about how our future world is, but it was only an idea. It's the first time I have actually written it down and with the help of AI made a visualization of how it looks like. It's fun to try new techniques and AI is definitely a strong tool in the design development process. I look forward to work with AI more in the future project.

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